I’ve created an infographic so you can visualize the whole inner gathering in one place. But first, here’s another way to say it:
You started out good (Lover). Came to believe you started out bad (Loner). Disguised what you assumed was bad (Hider). Made other people feel bad too (Fighter). And tried to make your life feel good again (Ruler).
If we choose to cultivate Welcomer consciousness, we become aware of this inner drama and start practicing compassion for, and tenderness toward, each version of who we have been. In this tenderness, our inner child is reassured, finally, that it is okay exactly the way it is, exactly the way it has always been. Then, with a soothed nervous system and a sense of its own goodness, it gets to start living its life again, perhaps for the very first time.
I hope this infographic helps you to further appreciate the depth and importance of this inner work!