Apr 10Liked by Kelly Flanagan

Good morning, Kelly! It's was nice to wake up to your message in my inbox. I'm a new (paid) subscriber. When is the next Zoom gathering and how do I get connected with it?

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Apr 10Liked by Kelly Flanagan

Thank you Kelly for your willingness to share your insights. You have been a blessing beyond what you can know.

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Apr 10Liked by Kelly Flanagan

When you wrote ,”Everything that happens between all people is influenced by everything happening within every person,” it really resonated with me. It’s a truth I’ve navigated in my personal life as well as in writing. I can’t do a great job loving my neighbor as myself if I don’t do a great job loving myself.

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Apr 10Liked by Kelly Flanagan

Love this!! So. Much. Resonates!! I'm a proud member of the kind human club and am grateful to meet the president through this post. Lead on 😊

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Apr 10Liked by Kelly Flanagan

“Everything that happens between all people is influenced by everything happening within every person.”

What a beautiful sentence.

If we all considered this while interacting with one another, the world would be a much kinder place.

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Apr 10Liked by Kelly Flanagan

Hi Kelly! Hi Everyone!!

Gorgeous words to start a very human day. Worthiness. A sense of belonging, Purpose…are absolutely all best shared with each other and with All the Parts of Ourselves too!!

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Oh I am eager to read your books! Just looked up Loveable on Audible and noticed there are two versions with two different narrators (although I wanted to hear your voice!) is there a difference between the two versions?

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