"May we rest in the part of us that is laughing." — I have written it down in my notebook so that I can revisit it often! :) Thank you, Kelly, for sharing this exploration with us and reminding us of how spacious and homing we are. Just like the sky, indeed.

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I'm so glad this resonated and that mantra may be helpful to you, Justyna!

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Jun 26Liked by Kelly Flanagan

I'm going to start calling personalizing thoughts "Turkey Talk." Thinking about the puffed up and ridiculous turkey parading describes the experience so well. They look maladaptive and you wonder how these nearly flightless, dim-witted birds survived while other species are wiped out. And then I catch myself doing the same thing!

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Oh my goodness, that's perfect. I'm going to follow your lead. What a light-hearted way to notice that inner chatter. Turkey Talk it is!

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Jun 26Liked by Kelly Flanagan

I am the sky and the upset is a cloud, without substance or significance. Your writing works well with my practice of A Course in Miracles, Forgiveness meaning not making the physical real, and to engage the Whole brain to listen to chatter, and then to put in a perspective based on the Truth of who we are as Whole Spiritual beings.

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I love that, Mary. The chatter is a chance to experience ourselves as whole spiritual beings. Indeed, it perhaps requires that if we're going to navigate the chatter with any kind of peace!

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Jun 26Liked by Kelly Flanagan

As usual, great visuals, metaphors andcomments/explanations that I nod my head to recognizing their truth, and just never having put words to them in my own life. Staying curious certainly helps. Rev Ike said "I meet no one but me" and "oh God, forgive me for putting myself in a position to be hurt". I believe these can be an ancillaries to your writing today. It's not about "them"… It's so often/mostly about my own perceptions and projections.

And having had my car attacked one time by wild turkeys on the road, that was a great adventure, and mirrored yours!

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Oh my goodness, those turkeys are crazy! I've only ever seen them in flight. So glad I haven't run into them in fight mode.

Yes, those quotes capture it well. There's probably a whole post in how it looks like we're shirking ownership by saying this situation isn't really about me, but that the deepest ownership is becoming aware of our tendency to make it all about us.

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Jun 26Liked by Kelly Flanagan

The paranoid turkeys! Just because someone is running in your direction, doesn't mean they are running after you! Love the metaphor - and beautifully written too!

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Thank you, Eli!

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Jun 26Liked by Kelly Flanagan

Beautiful. Perspective is everything at times 💞

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Thanks, Teyani! Perspective, indeed.

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Thanks for reading, Dan!

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Jun 27Liked by Kelly Flanagan

“It’s my whole story and my entire nervous system distilled down into some distressing mental banter.” How do you always know what’s going on in my head, Kelly? LOL Our extended family has been going through a gauntlet for months and my wild turkeys are having seizures. Your posts have been helping me view the tortured me or my “old self” with compassion rather than distain. Once again, thank you!

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Perhaps one of the greatest gifts of being a therapist is finding out that everyone suffers in similar ways to you. :) I'm sure that's given me the courage to write about my inner journey, knowing everyone else is struggling with the same things. Glad to hear this is supporting you during your time with extended family!

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Thank you for sharing this insight, Kelly. Realizing that we all share the same human experiences in varying ways and degrees is also why I write and why reading is so therapeutic.

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Kelly…this post is soooo stunning. The imagery all over that conjures up the rough or gentle process of expanding awareness, to what does love do…to letting go completely to laugh and witness with reverence. Your words are truly a work of art. I felt transformed while reading it.

I also felt sad at how easy and effortless it is to forget how to transcend the lost feelings that confuse, reduce and make it impossible to see clearly. But only sometimes.

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The "head trash" has always been there, but it was only recently that I starting thinking about why. I came to the conclusion that, at least for me, it was in many ways a sort of protection. My mind does not want me to get hurt and will do whatever it needs to keep me safe. When I started to develop empathy for that voice, it became easier to ignore it.

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I loved the entire message of this post and I was particularly moved by your cloud metaphor. I think we can all see ourselves in the believing that we are the cloud when really, we are the entire sky. When you recognize that, you can feel so much freer. So beautiful. Thank you. 🙏

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Dr Kelly, this post really resonated with me.

It reminded me of this idea that I hold very close to me these days:

--> Being self-centered is walking into a room full of people laughing and thinking they're laughing at you.

I do it, and I know many others do too - unfortunately. The importance of not taking it personally can't be understated! A skill that will improve your life so much.

Thanks for sharing a great article --> I've taken some notes on how you write such engaging work!

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