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REPLAY: Recognize the Real Reason for Your Reactions

Here's the replay of Friday's Human Hour keynote. Find out how you can turn any relationship rupture into a powerful revelation.

This is what we covered:

  • Why openheartedness is an essential practice in some of life’s most important moments, especially when those moments aren’t going the way you want them to.

  • A framework for understanding how you can be both openhearted and boundaried at the same time.

  • Why when we don’t know what we’re reacting to, we focus on who we’re reacting to

  • Consider: most conflict may not be about the person in front of us, but the experience inside of us

  • How the psychological principle of intervening variables can make sense of why we react similarly across different situations

  • Challenge: pay attention to your pain instead of your people

  • An exercise for slowing down in your most triggered moments and tending to yourself

I hope you enjoy the replay! If you attended the live Q&A and community conversation following the keynote, please feel free to continue the discussion in the comments below. If you missed the live event but have questions of your own, please also feel free to share those in the comments.

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